She turned the shield over and could see that the handles were a little too small for his hand.
"Do you like it?" Farkus asked from behind her, causing her to jump.
"It’s beautiful. Have you actually used this?" Jahel asked stepping to the side so he could look at the shield.
"No. It was made by our smith Earlhund. I told him I wanted you to start training with a shield in place of using magic in your left hand." Farkus said "So I’m going to be training you in how to use it. Vilkas will be helping where needed."
"I don’t know what to say. Thank you Farkus." Jahel said surprised.
Farkus chuckled "You don’t have to thank me. Just work hard and become an expert with its use so you don’t get killed."
"I can do that." Jahel said with a smile.
Farkus gestured towards the practice yard to get the two of them started. He stood to one side while she stood on the other.
For the next few days, Farkus, Vilkas, and Jahel trained together until she was good with the shield that she was to use on each of her missions. In that time, Farkus had been hoping that the enigmatic woman would feel more comfortable and trusting around them. But to his disappointment, she still treated him with a cool respect that she gave to people she didn’t know well enough to treat differently.
Farkus admitted that he had a warmer reaction from complete strangers than from the whelp that he had requested to mentor. He had mentored many whelps that had either stayed with the guild, like Rhea, or had left different reasons. He was closer to her when he had been mentoring her, but now she was being mentored by Aela the Huntress.
He spoke to the Harbinger about his dilemma and the man said to simply give it time because he had a mission he was setting up for the two. Farkus asked for more details, but the older man would go no further to elaborate on what that mission could be.
The only thing he had to say was it would take place in almost a week. Until then he asked Farkus to keep her busy with missions or training.
So Farkus did just that. If he had a new contract come through that met her skill set, he would assign it to her. Anything else he sent towards the other four whelps within Jarrvaskr. He asked Vilkas to keep her busy with training when he couldn’t set up a mission for her to go on around Skyrim.
It was in those few days that Kodlak had the mission set up for them and sent Farkus to collect the young dark elf woman from her home. He wanted him to bring her to him so he could talk about the details of the mission with them.
Farkus walked to the house that sat beside the female smith’s workshop. He knocked on the door with a smile as he thought about seeing her. The door was opened instead by a nordic woman he had seen a few times in the Jarl’s home of Dragon’s Reach.
"Can I help you, Companion?" she asked with a slight frown.
"I’m looking for Jahel, is she not at home?" Farkus asked in a neutral tone. 
"She is down by the stables looking over the horses he has there today." She replied with a dismissing tone. "Do you want me to inform her that you came by?"
"No, I’ll be going down to the stables to see her."
The woman watched him walk away, heading towards the main gates of the city as he went. Farkus could almost feel the house-carl’s eyes on his back as he went and he knew she was giving him that suspicious stare as he went.
Farkus headed straight for the stables to collect Jahel.
When he got there, he could see that she was speaking privately with the owner of the stables about his horses. He could see them talking about a young mare that had been brought in a few days ago. He had been there when it was delivered by the man from Solitude. He was okay with that but he did see something he wasn’t really okay with taking place.
He could see the stable owner’s sons ogling Jahel from the fence closest to him and he could hear the crude remarks they were making about her.
"You realize she’d just as soon kill you than bed either of you don’t you?" Farkus said in his most condescending voice.
Then men looked over at him, shifting in embarrassment as they were scolded by the Companion. They both muttered hasty apologies to him and they turned away moving to get back to their chores they had neglected. 
Farkus walked to the edge of the stable master’s property and leaned against the fence, waiting for her to see him.
He watched her for a few minutes and couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face. She did look good today. He could see why the older boys had been ogling her from afar.
Jahel’s hair was let down to where it flowed down her back with the sun hitting it perfectly. She was also wearing what the rest of the town’s women were wearing which was usually a blue dress that was almost form fitting. It showed off her body in a very attractive way.
When she saw him she excused herself from the talk she was having with him and started walking towards Farkus. She smiled at him in greeting as she stopped on the opposite side of the fence from him and she had to admit he was looking good in his steel armor today.
"Hey Farkus what brings you down here?" Jahel asked with a smile.
"I was looking for you actually." Farkus said leaning more on the fence. "Kodlak has a quest he wants me to take you on."
"Why the both of us?" Jahel asked cautiously.
"Why don’t you come speak with Kodlak yourself I think he’d like to discuss it in person." Farkus said gesturing to the gate just down the fence.
"Fair enough I suppose we’ll have to stop back by Breezen Home first though."
"That’s fine your house-carl is a friendly lady."
"Lydia?" Jahel said with a friendly laugh. "She’s just a little protective at times you’ll have to forgive her."
"Believe me I understand she has a job to do and that’s look after you."
"Could you make me sound any more like a child Farkus?"
She had a joking tone but he could see in her eyes that she felt a little insulted by the comment.
"My apologies. I meant no offense, " Farkus said with a nod of his head.
"It's not a problem." Jahel said with a smile.
The two walked in a somewhat comforting silence until they reached her home. She pushed open the door and invited him inside Jahel was right behind him so he didn’t have to worry about the other woman trying to attack him.
Jahel called to Lydia letting her know they were in the house and that she was going to change upstairs in her private room. Jahel walked away from Farkus striding up the wooden stairs that were off to the side of the main room by her book shelves.
He could hear what he knew would be Lydia in the small back room working with a mortar & pestle. She was no doubt trying to improve her alchemy skills or she was trying to make a single kind of potion from a recipe.
Farkus, while awaiting Jahel's return, walked over to her book shelf to examine her reading list. He could see tales of adventures from all over Skyrim, skill books that would improve her knowledge in certain areas, and then there were the stories written by the more daring authors of the day. On the other shelves were the histories of Skyrim and Morrowind. He could see a few books set off to the side that got his attention and he examined their titles. Both books of The Lusty Argonian Maid were there on the shelf along with Thief of Virtue.
The last titles made him raise a brow in surprise. Jahel obviously had a wild side that she kept hidden. The only other explanation was that the books were Lydia’s. To Farkus that was a scary thought.
"I see your admiring my collection. And promise me you won’t talk about those last few with me, or anyone else for that matter." Jahel said with a nod at him.
"I won’t mention it to anyone. You should see Aela’s collection." Farkus said chuckling.
"Skorge that disappointing then?" Jahel said with a sly smirk.
"I guess so but I’m not going to ask and find out."
The two exited the house with Jahel calling out a farewell to Lydia as she went out the door. The woman called out a farewell in the form of a grunt of acknowledgment.
With no further interruption, the two walked onwards to Jarrvaskr to meet with Kodlak in his private quarters. The Harbinger had nice living quarters and was responsible for the maintenance of the guild, so all of the guild’s wealth and notes on their missions were kept within that room.
Kodlak sat at the table and had the two Companions to sit just across from him.
"I have a quest I want the two of you to go on. This will be your Trail young Shadow-Walker, for which I have chosen Farkus to be your shield brother." Kodlak said in his fatherly voice.
"My Trail, what does that mean?" Jahel asked concerned.
"It means you have been found worthy of becoming a member of the Circle. But to do so you will have to undergo a test of your willingness to serve the guild, wholeheartedly and with no thought of personal gain."
"Alright and what is the task?" Jahel asked.
"Are you sure that you wish to undergo this quest?"
"My father said that if I’m ever given the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself, then I should take it. He said I’d be a part of something important one day."
"This is important to our guild. Sources have told me that another piece of Wuuthrad lies within the tombs of Dustman’s Cairn to the west. I want you and Farkus to go into the Cairn to retrieve that piece and bring it back here." Kodlak explained.
"That sounds easy enough." Jahel said with a smile.
"It won’t be. The Cairn is full of draugr, but that isn’t the problem. A clan called the Silver-Hand is also after that piece. If they get to it before we do then they will kill you to keep it. They are ruthless murderers. Do not spare them your blade." Kodlak replied his voice hard.
Jahel nodded to him as they both stood.
"I imagine you know your duties as shield siblings then?" Kodlak asked.
"I’m more than familiar with the art of shield siblings." Jahel said with a smile. "It was invented by the elves, after all, back during the war."
Jahel walked out with Farkus when she realized one part of Kodlak's explanation was unclear to her.
"What are draugr?" Jahel asked.
"They’re the reanimated corpses of ancient Nordic warriors that were given the ancient form of burial. You don’t have something like that where you come from?" Farkus asked incredulous.
"We have something like that but without a physical form."
The two walked in silence out of the city and well past the western guard tower that stood as the last sign of the hold. They didn’t feel the need to speak, but as things went on they were realizing that they could not spend every moment together in silence. The fact that they didn’t know one another very well weighed heavily on Farkus’ mind as they went.
They reached the Cairn by nightfall, with no trouble from anything more than fragile living skeletons that were killed in one swing of the blade. They didn’t want to go into the Cairn without the benefit of being well rested. The two planned to camp in the alcove before the Cairn.
The opening into the old tomb stood atop a hill on which stone pillars stood around a perfectly circular hole with stairs leading down into the tomb. It was about eight feet deep and had stone stairs circling around half of the circumference until they reached the floor. The floor itself was an old hand carved stone. A single unopened coffin laid under the stairs with a burial urn beside it. The door leading into the Cairn was two slabs of Nordic stone that stood as silent sentinels against grave robbers.
The two warriors set up a small campfire outside the door with their bedrolls on either side of it, well away from one another. They sat in silence eating a meager meal they had carried with them from Whiterun. Farkus finally grew tired of the silence and decided to break it.
"Can I ask you something?" Farkus asked looking at her over the fire.
"You just did. Yes you may go ahead and ask your real question." Jahel said without looking up at him.
"Why don’t you trust me?"
Jahel glanced up quickly, caught off guard by his question.
"What makes you think I don’t trust you?" she asked putting her food aside.
"You always keep a cool distance between us, you never turn your back on me for that matter any of the Companions, and there are plenty of other reasons I can name to believe you don’t trust us." Farkus said getting more frustrated as he went.
Jahel listened to him in silence while she kept her face a neutral mask while he spoke of her mistrust. She heard him stop to take a breath and she lifted her hand up to halt his speech. She took a deep breath as she looked into his brown eyes before she spoke.
"I have a reason for keeping most people at a distance, for not trusting anyone. The fact isn’t that I don’t trust you, I don’t trust a lot of people. The Companions are some of the only people I’ve ever let this close in a long time." Jahel said "Not since I left Riften."
"Why this mistrust of people?" Farkus asked sounding sympathetic.
"Maybe another time Farkus. It's late and we’ll need to be at our best tomorrow when we enter the Cairn." Jahel said turning her back to him as she lay down. "Besides, I do trust you. if I didn’t there would be a dagger in my hand sleeping this close to you."
Farkus was surprised by this announcement and a little relieved by it.
"Your one of us and that makes you family. I wouldn’t hurt you, Jahel." Farkus said as he laid down on his own bedroll.
Farkus kept his head turned towards her and he could see that she was asleep judging from her steady breathing. Farkus drifted to sleep while watching her sleep, a little more at ease knowing she trusted him.

Farkus was forced awake in the morning by a swift kick to his side that didn’t hurt as much as it surprised him. He looked up to see that Jahel had already cleaned up everything they had made a mess of the night before so they could get started. She also dropped an apple onto his chest as she walked by biting into one of her own. 
"Pick your things up and store them in that urn. I figure we’ll grab those on our way out and just come out the way we go in." Jahel said pointing.
Farkus complied with her order and stood ready to go inside the Cairn, ready to face whatever waited inside the tomb.
The Cairn wasn’t what they had expected when they went in, or at least it wasn’t for Jahel. The Cairn was supposed to be a tomb, but the elaborate design led her to believe it was something more. It was a large, open room with all sorts of disturbing items littering the tables that she recognized as early embalming tools.
It was also very cold within the tomb, even for early fall in Skyrim it was unusually cold inside.
The place was covered in dust and cob webs everywhere leaving the impression that the dead had remained undisturbed since they had been laid to rest here. She couldn’t see any footprints in the dust so she decided that if the Silver –Hand had in fact beat them there they used another entrance.
"Do the draugr walk around all the time or are they going to jump at us when we least expect it?" Jahel whispered gesturing to two coffins in the first room.
"They’ll jump at us." Farkus said.
Jahel was sure she must have turned pale because she felt sick to her stomach at the thought of a dead guy jumping at her without warning. But she shook herself acknowledging that she was here for the guild and she had to prove that she could put its needs first. So she did what she had to do and walked into the room before Farkus could make the first move.
She walked into the room looking at the desiccated body of the nord in the coffin and she could already tell this one wasn’t going to be getting up to attack her. Jahel had a slight problem when suddenly she realized that there was a body with less decay laid on the ground with the back of its coffin open into another hallway.
"Farkus?" Jahel asked unsure.
"It was a draugr but something got to it ahead of us. Stay alert." Farkus said in a hushed tone.
Jahel nodded to him and they walked into the new hallway and Jahel pulled her helmet’s face guard down to cover her face. She held her sword a lot tighter then before they had entered the tomb, she also shifted the shield on her arm to be at the ready.
They walked down the halls into the many rooms that housed tombs and they were cleared already of the undead nords that would have been at the ready to fight with them. They didn’t see any of the people that could be responsible for killing the undead draugr that littered the floor.
"Where could the Silver-Hand have gone? Do you think they already have the piece?" Jahel asked with a worried look.
"I don’t know I’m worried that that might be the case already." Farkus said softly looking right at her. "We have to get further in a lot faster than we’ve been going just stay close."
"Alright then let’s go." Jahel said.
The two started jogging through the hall finding a few dead ends then retracing their steps to go back for the right path that would lead them where they needed to go. They went further into the tomb going lower and lower but then finally evening out the descent. The two ended up in a room with the gate barring their progress from going any further.
They stood at the top of a short flight of stairs looking at the room before entering. It was a room with two alcoves leading off of it, one was barred by an old iron gate and the other was open with a lever inside the entrance. She could see that the rest of the room was open with a little debris, a few shrubs had grown up, and there was a crack in the roof letting in sunlight.
"I don’t see anyone down there but I do see the trigger to get through to the nest area." Jahel said "Watch my back I’m going for it?"
"You sure you want me to stand at your back?" Farkus asked sounding surprised and amused.
"I told you I trust you." She said with a smile over her shoulder directed at him.
She walked down the stairs and put her shield on her back looking over to the other door feeling like she shouldn’t open it but knowing she had too. She saw Farkus come down the stairs but stay along the edge kind of hidden in the shadows.
Jahel walked into the alcove with the lever and waited till he had circled the room to pull the lever. When she pulled the lever the gate that was blocking the path opened up and she started back towards the main room. As she started out of the room a gate that would lock her into the room with the lever started to drop.
Farkus who had been circling the room saw the gate starting to close down on top of Jahel he moved quickly. He grabbed her arm and jerked her hard to get her out of the way he managed to get her out of the way just in time. He pulled her into the room he was in and he kept her from meeting an untimely death at the end of a spike.
In the meantime he had accidentally used his full strength and she ended up on the ground a few feet from him. He felt his heart sink as she sat up and looked over at him still laid on the ground, giving him a shaky smile.
"Jahel I am so sorry. Are you alright? Did I hurt you?" Farkus asked moving to her side his hand held out to her.
"That wasn’t the worst fall I’ve had in my time. Good arm by the by." Jahel said with a shaky smile as she took his arm. "I feel dizzy but that should pass in a second."
During their exchange a number of warriors in leather and hide armor came into the room blocking the way through the opening. They surrounded the two their weapons at the ready as they moved in.
The Sliver-Hand knew the Companions secret of being werewolves and they had sworn to hunt down every last one of them. They also were in a mad race trying to get all the pieces of Wuuthrad so they could enter the tomb of Ysgrammor in the north.
They clearly outnumbered the two, there were only the two Companions and there were eight of the Silver-Hand present in the room.
"Well I think we found your friends." Jahel whispered her back against Farkus’ back.
"Yea we’ll probably be encountering them throughout the tomb then." He said gripping his sword tightly.
"I’ll take the four to the left you take the four to the right anyone else that gets through is free for the taking." She said her eyes locked on the four in front of her.
"Good then I was hoping for a fight today." He said.
With a loud war cry Farkus charged forward causing the four to split to avoid the swing of his blade coming at them. He was quick to turn his attention to the one of them with a long sword like his own to keep him focused on him. The other three tried circling him and attacking to get him to drop his guard but he was a seasoned warrior and could hold his own against their numbers.
Jahel had moved the second she felt his back leave hers and she went to the side getting one of the short sword wielders to come at her first. She kept her foes in front of her as she circled trying to keep all within her sight while focusing battle onto the one.
She had thought fighting the chief had been bad when she went to the tower but these men were much worse. They were a skilled force that knew how to fight together to overwhelm their enemy.
Jahel and the swordsman fighting her kept their blades in a frantic dance that was soon becoming one sided as she began to overpower him. She could feel her heart racing and every time that happened she felt closer to her vampire half then her elf half. She always used those skills to fight in combat as a safe release of that side of her.
She quickly began slamming her sword into his using speed and strength to push him back until she had her opening against him. When she had it she sliced her blade across his abdomen drawing blood from the wound instantly. His allies dragged him back and the second took his place going right for an attack, she didn’t have as much experience as he had with a blade it cost her dearly.
The fighting went on as the two tried to overcome their foes each killing three of those they were fighting. When the Silver-Hand’s numbers were so low in the fight against them more of the hunters poured into the room till they numbered ten against their two.
The warriors had taken their measure and they were planning to bring down the two Companions. They sent four of the warriors to fight with Farkus and the other six to focus on Jahel. They knew that if he was worried about her then he wouldn’t be able to focus on his own battle because he would want to protect her. It was only natural he’d want to protect the female of their group.
They focused their attack and Jahel was completely on the defensive against them, only injuring them when she had the chance. They on the other hand had injured her twice now. She had a cut across her bicep that wasn’t deep and a bruise from a shield bash to her face that bruised her chin. She wasn’t that bad off when it came to her injuries she was able to go through the battle with little trouble.
But she wasn’t able to keep them focused in front of her the whole time and one man got behind her with his sword. He slashed his sword across the back of her leg cutting a deep furrow into her leg causing her to let out a piercing scream of pain.
Farkus turned to look to her when he heard the sound and what he saw made him see red as anger boiled inside him. She was bent down on the ground unable to stand on her leg which was bleeding onto the floor slowly. He could see her fighting with her sword while struggling to hold them back with her shield.
Farkus kept his cool until he allowed the change to overcome him his body turning into the werewolf he was inside. He started to change his body becoming the large hulking beast of a werewolf who was set on the destruction of the Silver-Hand warriors.
He launched himself at the humans that were trying to get through his defense to kill him but they were weaker than he was now. He tore through them slicing through their armor like it was nothing as he started moving around the room. He finally managed to circle around to where Jahel was fighting against her own foes her strength starting to fail her.
He could see the shock on her face as he attacked the Silver-Hand in his werewolf form. She hadn’t been in on the secret and he was wondering how she would take it when the battle was over.
Right now she moved back to put her back to a wall to keep the Silver-Hand from coming at her from behind. Jahel stood and watched as Farkus tore them apart sparing none of the acclaimed warriors that had come out to attack them. She was amazed at ferocity with which he killed the warriors around them.
When it was all over Farkus stopped the attacks he had been unleashing and he turned to look to Jahel.
His large brown eyes met her red ones and held as he saw many emotions cross her face.

Read Skyrim fanfiction pt.3 Silver-Bloods
AN: I know the Dustman’s Cairn quest goes a little differently in the game but I didn’t want it to play out that way in the story. If you want something that is strictly the game based quest story line I’m sure there are some somewhere. I will be making a few changes to the story line from the game as I go but the important stuff will stay the same.
Thanks for reading.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: